The Jesus Prayer – A Cry for Mercy

In the Name of the Almighty Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit – One True God

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus

In the previous session of The Jesus Prayer, we learnt that the Jesus Prayer used as an ‘arrow prayer’, is centered on the Holy Name of Jesus and when used specifically can help us to just sit and look at God. There are two versions to the Jesus Prayer – Greek and Russian. Both versions are correct, but for this series we will use the Greek version – “Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me.” The Russian version adds the words ‘a sinner’ at the end of the prayer. Both versions are remarkably complete. Within this one short sentence we find combined four ‘strands’ or important elements:

1. The cry for mercy;

2. The discipline of repetition;

3. The quest for stillness;

4. The veneration of the Holy Name.

What is the origin of these four elements, and how did they come together to form the Jesus Prayer? Let us look at each one of these elements individually.

praying man 1

1. The cry for mercy –

“Lord, have mercy”, “Kyrie eleison” or “Kurielaison” is found in the liturgical worship from at least the 4th century and it’s use in Christian prayer may well be ancient. To ask for divine mercy is not to be seen as something gloomy and exclusively penitential. While the cry for mercy certainly involves sorrow for sin, it speaks also of divine forgiveness. It affirms that God’s loving kindness and compassion are greater than my brokenness and guilt.

Sometimes our Holy Fathers of old connect the word ‘eleos’ – mercy, with ‘elaion’ meaning olive oil. This is a very good theology where ‘mercy’ signifies precisely the love of God, poured out to heal and restore. The Jesus Prayer is a prayer full of light and hope. St. Hesychius of Sinai in the 8th century summed up its true spirit by saying,

“If we unceasingly call upon Jesus with a keen yearning that is full of sweetness and joy, then the air of our heart is filled with rejoicing and peace.”

In the next session, we will try and understand the second element – The discipline of repetition.

Lord Jesus Christ have mercy upon me a sinner.

Your brother in Christ Jesus

Jobin George

One thought on “The Jesus Prayer – A Cry for Mercy

  1. \\o// Very enlightening message – Often, I found thanking God is a better way of responding to God’s mercy than pleading to God…….
    [On Ninaveh Lent – 2020]

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