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The main writer of this blog, Jobin George, is a member of Malankara Orthodox Church (or commonly known as Indian Orthodox Church). The Church has its historical roots since AD 52 when St. Thomas, an Apostle of Jesus Christ came to India and founded the Church in South India. The writer has completed his studies in India and has recently moved to London, United Kingdom. Though he does not have any formal theological education, he was always interested to know about Jesus and learn more about Him. As he got involved in the local church, he was given opportunities to teach and nurture the younger generation of the church as well. He is very much interested in the applying the teachings of the Bible in our day-to-day life. He has started this blog to reach out to the people around the world to let them know on how can we apply the teachings of the Bible in our daily life.

Icon of Nativity 1

Feast of the Nativity of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ

This is our God Who has come to reside among us! See His unsurpassed love for us. The great wall that divided man from God through sin and disobedience has been destroyed by the babe Jesus in the womb. As we go around giving gifts to our loved and fear ones and also seeking ways to give gifts to the less privileged children of the world and as we engage ourselves preparing wonderful food for all those who come knocking at our doors, let us ask this question of ourselves: What do we offer Christ this day for coming to reside among us?

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Icon of Nativity

Season of the Advent – The Nativity of our Lord Jesus Christ

CHRIST IS BORN, GLORIFY HIM! Christ from heaven, go out to meet Him. Christ on earth, be you exalted. Sing unto the Lord all the earth; and that I may join in one word, Let the heavens rejoice, and let the earth be glad, for Him Who is of heaven and then of earth. Christ in flesh, rejoice with trembling and with joy; with trembling because of our sins, with joy because of our hope. Christ of a Virgin; O you Matrons live as Virgins, that you may be Mothers of Christ. Who does not worship Him That is from the beginning? Who does not glorify Him That is the Last?

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Journey with the Holy Bible-Day 10

Verse for reflection: St Mathew 1:7-17 St Mathew divides the generations from Abraham to the coming of Christ into three phases; each of these includes 14 generations- we note spiritual messages from these 3 phases. from Abraham to David- a journey of glory of kingship/royalty. Kingship signifies greatness. In the book of Genesis, the Triune…

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Journey with the Holy Bible-Day 9

Verse for reflection: St Mathew 1:6 The next woman we encounter is king David’s wife, the mother of king Solomon. We see in Old Testament that her name was Bathsheba, the wife of Uriah. Uriah was killed in the battlefield in a plan set by David so that he could take his wife who was…

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Season of the Advent – Sunday before the Nativity (St. Matthew 1:1-17)

When we read the names of the ancestors of Jesus, some which we know, strike us because these are the names of the saints, the great men and women of the spirit. But there are also names of sinners and also of people who were forced into the ancestry. In this ancestry, holiness and human frailty and sin are interwoven in a way that should strike us. For more, please read

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nativity icon

Reading of Icons – Icon of the Nativity of Jesus Christ

Even though the message of Christmas is about a birth of a baby boy, the core reason for the commemoration is to remember that God chose by His free will to become man to save us from our sins. This core message is the central point of our faith. Let us understand the Icon of Nativity of Jesus Christ.

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Revelation to Joseph

Season of the Advent – Revelation to St. Joseph (St. Matthew 1:18-25)

If we compare to the life of the saints, like many of them who have stepped onto the world’s stage for a brief period of time and then disappeared from the records, we have only the barest of facts regarding St. Joseph. He appears in the Holy Bible prior to the birth of our Lord Jesus until the 12-year old Jesus is found in the Temple of Jerusalem. Then he disappears from the pages of history. God had chosen Joseph for a particular role… Let us try and understand his role and learn from him…

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Season of the Advent – Birth of St. John the Baptist (St. Luke 1: 57-80) – Part 2

As the church celebrates the Children’s Day, let us as parents and teachers, learn from the life of Zacharias and Elizabeth and trust in the Lord even unto our old age to believe in the promises of the Lord and bring forth prophets and prophetesses, priests and lay leaders who will dedicate their life to the service of the Lord.

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Season of the Advent – Birth of St. John the Baptist (St. Luke 1:57-80) – Part 1

In a world where people are looking towards influential personalities as their icons and role models, the Church shows us a role model whom we can easily emulate in our daily life: St John the Baptist, who is also titled as prophet and forerunner of the Messiah.

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