7 holy Maccabeen Martyrs

Feast of St. Shmouni and her seven sons & their teacher Eleazar – August 1

In the name of God the Father, Christ Jesus His Son and the Holy Spirit, One True God. Amen Dear brothers are sisters in Christ Jesus As the Indian Orthodox Church along with all Christian faithful of the sister Oriental Orthodox Churches, Catholic Church and Eastern Orthodox Church prepare for the Feast of the Assumption…

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Life of St. Barsaumo – 3rd February

we intercede to 26 saints and fathers of the Orthodox Church who lived until the 600 AD and 3 saints of the Indian Orthodox Church to keep us strong in the faith that they have handed down to us. We remember him as chief among mourners. He is a father who welcomed sufferings for the sake of His Master Christ and for upholding the true faith of the Church. He prayed by constantly by standing throughout day and night.

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Learning from St. Stephen, Deacon & Protomartyr

The Church commemorates the martyrdom of St Stephen – deacon and first martyr of the Church on Jan 8 right after the celebration of the feast of Theophany. While we are still in the mood to celebrate, the Church calls our attention on how to live a true Christian life by telling us about the life of her son, Stephen. Let us learn more more about him and understand the lessons he teaches us.

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Life of St. Gregory of Nazianzus – January 1

In the name of God the Father, Christ Jesus His Son and the Holy Spirit, One True God. Amen Dear brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus The Indian Orthodox Church welcomes a new year by remembering two of the saints of the Orthodox Church – St. Basil the Great and St. Gregory of Nazianzus. This…

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Life of St. Basil the Great (January 1)

The Church commemorates the memory of St Basil on January 1. Saint Basil is also called “the revealer of heavenly mysteries”, a “renowned and bright star,” and “the glory and beauty of the Church.” Basil the Great (ca. 330 – January 1, 379), was bishop of Caesarea, a leading churchman in the 4th century, known especially for his philanthropic labors. The Church considers him a saint and one of the Three Holy Hierarchs, together with Saints Gregory the Theologian (Gregory Nazianzus) and John Chrysostom. Basil, Gregory the Theologian, and Basil’s brother Saint Gregory of Nyssa are called the Cappadocian Fathers. He is also known as the Doctor of the Church. Let us learn about his life and about his ministry to Christ.

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Life of Parumala Thirumeni – St. Geevargese Mar Gregorios

Our beloved Parumala Thirumeni from child hood days led a very pious and simple life. Dedication and sacrifice were the key words of his life. His busy schedules never deterred him from hearing the grievances of the common man and was always in the forefront extending necessary help to them. Thirumeni’s life was one of righteousness and holiness. Many in his generation can testify their personal experience in being blessed with divine grace revived by them through this Holy father. Mor Gregorios was an able bishop who ministered to the spiritual and temporal needs of his flock. Through his prayers many were cured from mental illness and evil spirit and many received peace and spiritual prosperity. This blog is an attempt to know and learn from his life to live a life dedicated to our Master and Lord Jesus Christ.

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Remembering St. Thomas – Patron Saint of India

Apostle Thomas, best known by the title ‘doubting Thomas’, was one of few Apostles who traveled outside the Roman Empire to spread the Gospel. But when we look at his life, it is the encounter with Christ that changed his outlook. Here are 5 lessons that we can learn from his life.

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Georgian fresco

Knowing our Saints: St. George the Martyr

Through the many years of Christianity, there has been many saints who stood firm in their faith for Christ and proclaimed their undivided faith in the face of many trials and temptations of the world. One among those saints is St. George, the Triumphant, Trophy-bearer, Wonder-worker and Martyr.

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