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Reading of Icons – Icon of Assumption of Mother Mary – August 15

On August 15, many Christians around the world celebrate the Feast of the Dormition of the blessed Theotokos, Mother of God, Mother Mary. The word dormition comes from the Latin roots of dormitio(n-) which means ‘falling asleep’ and from dormire which means ‘to sleep’. The feast commemorates the passing away of Mother Mary from her earthly life. But the Orthodox Christians believe not just in the Dormition of the blessed Mother, but in her Assumption. We believe that after the Mother of our God was laid to rest in the tomb, she was bodily taken up into heaven, where she now stands interceding for all who ask of her intercessions.

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Reading the Icons – Icon of Pentecost

A study on the Icon of Pentecost which not only brings us into the reality of the event being depicted, but also teaches the theology behind the Descent of the Holy Spirit. The descent of the Holy Spirit though a tumultuous event brought about harmony among the Apostles. It is also a call to deification. The theme of the icon is a theme of waiting – for both the redeemed and those in darkness.

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Reading the Icon of Transfiguration – A Foretaste of Future Life

Transfiguration of our Lord Jesus is one of the Great Feasts of the Orthodox Church which commemorates the transfiguration or metamorphosis of Jesus on Mt Tabor, when He appeared in His divine glory. In this post, let us study the icon and its underlying meaning with the references to the Gospel accounts.

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Reading the Icon of Trinity – Finding Yourself within Trinity

The most distinct icon of the Trinity was written by Andrei Rublov. In this icon, Abraham and Sarah are completely absent. The icon only depicts the three angels leaning towards each other in mutual love, their hands held in a blessing towards the center of the table. The table is now unmistakably an altar, with even a small recess shown in which traditionally relics are placed. The various fruits, breads and meat shown on other icons are replaced with just a single chalice, representing the Holy Eucharist. Take a little while to gaze and meditate on the icon.

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Reading Icons – Icon of Resurrection

Icon of Resurrection of Jesus – A study of the whole Bible through ancient pictures. A picture coming from many stories, yet pointing to one complete story. A declaration of the fulfillment of the Old Testament prophesies through His life, death and resurrection and promise of eternal life to all who follow Him.

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Reading of Icons – Icon of the Epiphany of Jesus Christ

Theophany therefore marks the revelation of the Trinitarian nature of God when Jesus was baptized. Because those who witnessed heard the Father’s voice from Heaven, saw the Spirit descending upon Jesus, and could see Jesus in the flesh, whom God confirmed to be His Son with His voice. Let us understand and learn about the Trinity from the Icon of Epiphany.

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Reading of Icons – Icon of the Nativity of Jesus Christ

Even though the message of Christmas is about a birth of a baby boy, the core reason for the commemoration is to remember that God chose by His free will to become man to save us from our sins. This core message is the central point of our faith. Let us understand the Icon of Nativity of Jesus Christ.

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Reading of Icons – Icon of the Annunciation

The Indian Orthodox Church as it prepares to enter the Advent fast, commemorates the third Sunday of its liturgical new year with the Annunciation of the birth of Jesus Christ to the Virgin Mary, by the Angel Gabriel. Let us try to read and understand the Icon of Annunciation. I have also shared the special hymns sung at the service of Annunciation
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