Orthodox Church Season

The Season of the Advent – Annunciation to Mary (St. Luke 1:26-38)
The Incarnation of the Word was not only the work of the Father, Son and Spirit – the first consenting, the second descending, and third overshadowing – but it was also the work of the will and faith of the Virgin…..
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The Season of the Advent – Annunciation to Zechariah (Luke 1:1-25)
The Gospel of Luke also tells us that both Elizabeth and Zechariah were known to be righteous before God, walking in the commandments, and blameless (Luke 1:6). Furthermore, this birth would be a true miracle, since Elizabeth well beyond her childbearing years. Just like an angel of the Lord came to Abraham and Sarah foretelling that Sarah would bear a son, so too, an angel came and told Zechariah that his wife, Elizabeth would bear him a son. But Zechariah doubts the truthfulness of the message, and as a result He was struck dumb till the birth of his son. Let us try and contemplate the three lessons we learn from this Gospel session.
Sunday of ‘Hoodosh Etho’ (Dedication of the Church)
The last Sunday we commemorated the liturgical New Year of Church- the ‘Koodosh Etho’ (‘Sanctification of the Church’) and this Sunday we would be commemorating ‘Hoodosh Etho’ or the dedication of the Church. The Holy Gospel reading for the Hoodosh Etho Divine Liturgy opens up with “Now it was the Feast of Dedication in Jerusalem,…