Verse for reflection: St Mathew 1:2-5
The next woman we encounter in the genealogy is Rahab. Her name would have been a shocker in Jewish society. A native of Jericho, she was a Gentile and a prostitute whose story is mentioned in the book of Joshua.
Joshua sends two spies to the land of Jericho and the spies lodge in her home. She protects the spies and prevents them getting arrested by the king. Please read Joshua chapter 2 to know about the story in detail. In her conversation with the spies she acknowledges the God of Israelites and seeks that not only her but her whole family be spared when the Lord delivers Jericho to the Israelites. Rahab says: ‘For we have heard how the Lord dried up the water of the Red Sea for you’ (v10). All glory to God for this lady’s wisdom! Like everyone in Jericho, she too has heard of the stories about the Lord’s mercies to the Israelites, but only she correctly deciphers that Yahweh is the true God. Rahab is our model of hospitality, mercy, faith, and humility in her interaction with Joshua’s spies.

After the Israelites overtook Jericho, Rahab and her family was saved as per the promise. Further we read in Joshua ‘So they brought out all her relatives and left them outside the camp of Israel’ (Joshua 6:23; NKJV). Probably, Rahab and her family were set outside the camp because they were gentiles. She faithfully and humbly accepts her status as a second-class citizen. Rahab’s faith and humility earns her God’s mercy to play a role in the genealogy of our Lord!
To be continued..
In Christ,
Rincy John