
Mother Mary in the Oriental Orthodox Tradition: Her Spiritual Motherhood and Intercession

Mother Mary in the Oriental Orthodox Tradition

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus

All of us have been observing the 15-day Lent in commemoration of the Dormition (Assumption) of Mother Mary and we have now come almost to an end to the Lent, and we are all preparing to celebrate the Feast. During these days, we have been contemplating on the various titles that have been used to describe Mother Mary in our liturgical hymns and prayers.

Mother Mary, the Theotokos, holds a place of unparalleled honor and veneration in the Oriental Orthodox Church. Her spiritual motherhood and intercession are deeply woven into the fabric of the Church’s faith, practices, and teachings, making her not only a model of holiness but also a compassionate and powerful intercessor for all humanity. This reflection explores the profound significance of the Virgin Mary in the Oriental Orthodox tradition, highlighting her role as a spiritual mother and her intercessory power as seen through liturgical practices, patristic writings, and the theological framework of the Church.

In the rich tapestry of the Church’s liturgical hymns, Mother Mary is often referred to by titles such as “Holy Queen,” “Mother of Light,” and “Gate of Heaven.” These titles not only honor her unique role in salvation history but also reflect the deep theological insights and devotional fervor present within the Oriental Orthodox tradition. The hymns and prayers dedicated to her are infused with reverence and love, acknowledging her perpetual virginity, her role in the Incarnation, and her ongoing intercession for believers.

Eniyono from the Evening Prayer of the Service of Assumption of Theotokos:

Peace to you
O Mary, the earth was blessed by your death,
And your ascent blessed the air!
As you died
The apostles were gathered at your side,
That you might entreat your Son. Barekmor.

O Mary,
O pure virgin, intercede for our souls
To God Who dawned from your womb!
For His grace
Had chosen you, and now at your pure death
His grace led you to heaven.

Icon of Theotokos with hands upraised as if in prayer, with baby Jesus in the middle

Theotokos: Foundation of Marian Veneration

The title “Theotokos,” meaning “God-bearer” or “Mother of God,” is foundational in the Oriental Orthodox Church’s veneration of Mary. This title was affirmed at the Council of Ephesus in 431 AD, a council recognized by the Oriental Orthodox Churches, and it encapsulates the mystery of the Incarnation—God becoming man in the person of Jesus Christ through Mary. As Theotokos, Mary is not only the mother of Jesus but also the mother of the Church, which is His mystical Body.

In the Oriental Orthodox tradition, Mary’s spiritual motherhood is deeply tied to her role as Theotokos. Her consent to bear the Son of God, often referred to as her “Fiat,” was an act of profound faith and obedience, marking the beginning of the world’s salvation. Saint Ephrem the Syrian, one of the most beloved Church Fathers in the Syriac tradition, beautifully captures this mystery in his hymns, where he praises Mary as the “Second Eve” whose obedience reversed the disobedience of the first Eve. Through her “yes,” Mary became the gateway through which salvation entered the world, making her the spiritual mother of all who are reborn in Christ.

Mary as Mother of the Church

As the spiritual mother of all Christians, Mary is honored with the title “Mother of the Church.” This title reflects the belief that, just as Mary was the mother of Jesus, she is also the mother of His Body, the Church. The Oriental Orthodox Church teaches that in the same way Mary nurtured Christ, she continues to nurture and care for the Church, guiding the faithful through her maternal love and intercession.

The concept of Mary as Mother of the Church is deeply embedded in the liturgical life of the Oriental Orthodox Churches. During the Feast of the Dormition, which commemorates Mary’s passing from this life and her assumption into heaven, the Church celebrates her as the ever-present mother who continues to intercede for her children. In this feast, the faithful express their belief that Mary, who bore Christ in her womb, now bears the Church in her heart, continually offering prayers for its members.

Moreover, this understanding of Mary is not limited to a single feast but permeates the entire liturgical tradition. Throughout the liturgical calendar, various hymns and prayers specifically invoke Mary’s intercession, acknowledging her ongoing spiritual motherhood. The faithful often turn to her in times of need, believing that she will present their petitions to her Son, Jesus Christ. The Church Fathers have written extensively about Mary’s role, emphasizing how her unique closeness to Jesus makes her an ever-present advocate for Christians.

In essence, Mary’s role as Mother of the Church encapsulates her enduring connection to the community of believers. It highlights the profound way in which she continues to influence, guide, and support the Church, reinforcing her status not just as the mother of Jesus, but as the mother of all who follow Him. Through her intercession, the faithful are continually reminded of the maternal care and love that she extends, ensuring that the Church remains united in faith and devotion.

Mary’s Intercessory Role in the Oriental Orthodox Tradition

Mary’s role as an intercessor is a cornerstone of Oriental Orthodox spirituality. Her intercession is seen as a natural extension of her spiritual motherhood, and the faithful regularly turn to her for help and guidance in their spiritual lives. The Oriental Orthodox Churches invoke Mary with several titles that highlight different aspects of her intercessory role, each expressing a particular facet of her maternal care and protection.

Icon of Mother Mary as an Intercessor - Russian Icon
Russian Icon of Mother Mary, the Intercessor – by Oleh Husak

Helper of the Helpless

One of the most cherished titles for Mary in the Oriental Orthodox tradition is “Helper of the Helpless.” This title reflects the Church’s belief in Mary’s compassionate concern for those who are in dire need. The faithful believe that Mary, who once hastened to help her cousin Elizabeth, continues to hasten to the aid of those who call upon her in times of distress. In the prayers and hymns of the Church, Mary is often invoked as a source of strength and support for those who are powerless and afflicted.

Saint Severus of Antioch, a prominent theologian in the Syriac Orthodox Church, speaks to this aspect of Mary’s intercession in his homilies. He encourages the faithful to turn to Mary with confidence, trusting that she will intercede with her Son on their behalf. For the helpless, Mary is a beacon of hope, offering comfort and assistance in the most challenging circumstances.

Refuge of Sinners

Another significant title attributed to Mary is “Refuge of Sinners.” This title underscores Mary’s role as a merciful intercessor who offers refuge and solace to those who have fallen into sin. In the Oriental Orthodox tradition, Mary is seen as a compassionate mother who never abandons her children, no matter how far they have strayed. Instead, she invites them to return to the path of righteousness, offering her intercession to help them find forgiveness and reconciliation with God.

The liturgical prayers of the Oriental Orthodox Churches often reflect this understanding of Mary’s role. In the Coptic Orthodox Church, for example, the “Theotokion” of the Midnight Praises (Tasbeha) includes an invocation for Mary’s intercession, asking her to lift up the prayers of the faithful to Christ so that He may forgive their sins. This prayer, and others like it, express a deep trust in Mary’s intercessory power, particularly for those seeking repentance and renewal.

Comforter of the Afflicted

Mary is also venerated as the “Comforter of the Afflicted,” a title that emphasizes her role in providing consolation and peace to those who are suffering. The Oriental Orthodox Church teaches that Mary, who experienced profound sorrow at the foot of the Cross, is uniquely positioned to understand and alleviate the sufferings of others. Her maternal compassion extends to all who are afflicted, and the faithful often turn to her in prayer for comfort and relief in times of hardship.

Saint Ephrem the Syrian captures this aspect of Mary’s role in his hymns, where he describes her as the mother who weeps for her children and offers them solace in their trials. In the Armenian Apostolic Church, hymns and prayers dedicated to Mary often portray her as a source of comfort for the sorrowful, inviting the faithful to seek her intercession in times of grief and distress.

Intercessor for Mankind

The title “Intercessor for Mankind” reflects the Oriental Orthodox belief that Mary’s intercession extends to all humanity. As the mother of Christ, who is the Savior of the world, Mary’s prayers are believed to be powerful and effective on behalf of all people, regardless of their status or situation. The Oriental Orthodox Churches teach that Mary’s intercession is not limited to specific needs but encompasses the entirety of human existence, including the spiritual and temporal well-being of all people.

In the Syriac Orthodox Church, the “Madrosho” (hymns) of Mor Ephrem and other Marian hymns are filled with invocations for Mary’s intercession on behalf of mankind. These hymns express the Church’s belief that Mary, as the mother of the Savior, has a unique role in mediating God’s grace to the world. The faithful believe that through Mary’s prayers, God’s mercy and blessings are poured out upon all who seek her intercession.

Protector of Christians

Finally, Mary is honored as the “Protector of Christians,” a title that highlights her role as a guardian and defender of the faithful. The Oriental Orthodox Church teaches that Mary’s maternal protection is extended to all who follow Christ, and she is often invoked for safety and protection against both spiritual and physical dangers. This title is particularly significant in the context of the historical and ongoing challenges faced by the Oriental Orthodox communities, where Mary is seen as a powerful protector in times of persecution and hardship.

In the Ethiopian Orthodox Church, Mary is frequently invoked in prayers for protection, especially in the “Salutation to the Virgin Mary,” a prayer that praises her virtues and seeks her intercession for safety and deliverance from harm. The faithful believe that Mary’s protection is indispensable, and her feasts are celebrated with great devotion as expressions of gratitude for her ongoing guardianship over the Church.

icon of the theotokos

Mary as a Model of Holiness and Obedience

In addition to her role as an intercessor, Mary is venerated in the Oriental Orthodox Church as the ultimate model of holiness and obedience. Her life is seen as an example of how to live in accordance with God’s will, and her virtues are celebrated in the Church’s liturgical life.

The Feast of the Dormition (Assumption) of Mary is one of the most significant Marian feasts in the Oriental Orthodox calendar. This feast commemorates Mary’s peaceful passing and her assumption into heaven. It is not only a celebration of her dormition but also a reflection on her holiness and the belief that, because of her unique role, she was granted the grace of being assumed into heaven, body and soul.

The Oriental Orthodox Church also celebrates the Nativity of the Theotokos, the Presentation of Mary in the Temple, and other Marian feasts that highlight her purity, humility, and unwavering faith. These feasts serve as opportunities for the faithful to reflect on Mary’s virtues and to strive to emulate her example in their own lives.

The Patristic Witness to Mary’s Spiritual Motherhood and Intercession

The belief in Mary’s spiritual motherhood and intercession is deeply rooted in the writings of the Church Fathers within the Oriental Orthodox tradition. These patristic writings provide a theological foundation for the Church’s veneration of Mary and offer insights into the early Church’s understanding of her role.

Saint Severus of Antioch, a key figure in the Syriac Orthodox tradition, wrote extensively about Mary’s role as an intercessor. In his homilies, he emphasizes that Mary’s unique relationship with Christ gives her a special position in the heavenly realm, making her intercession particularly powerful. He encourages the faithful to seek Mary’s prayers with confidence, trusting that she will intercede effectively on their behalf.

Similarly, Saint Cyril of Alexandria, whose teachings are highly regarded in the Oriental Orthodox Church, speaks of Mary as the Theotokos and the “Advocate” for the faithful. Although more commonly known for his defense of the title Theotokos, Cyril’s Mariology includes a recognition of her ongoing role in the life of the Church as an intercessor. He saw Mary as the one who continues to present the needs of the faithful before her Son, much as she did at the wedding at Cana (John 2:1-11).

Saint Ephrem the Syrian also offers a rich theological reflection on Mary’s intercessory role in his hymns. He portrays Mary as the mother who weeps for her children and intercedes for them before God. Ephrem’s hymns, which are still sung in the Syriac Orthodox Church today, are a testament to the early Church’s belief in Mary’s powerful intercession and her compassionate care for all believers.

The Theotokos in the Life of the Oriental Orthodox Believer

For the Oriental Orthodox believer, Mary’s spiritual motherhood and intercession are not just theological concepts but lived realities. Her presence is felt in the daily life of the Church, from the prayers of the liturgy to personal devotions. The faithful often turn to Mary in times of need, confident in her maternal care and her ability to intercede effectively before God.

Icons of the Theotokos are particularly revered in the Oriental Orthodox tradition. These icons are not merely artistic representations but are seen as windows into the spiritual realm, offering the faithful a tangible connection to Mary’s intercession. The icon of the “Mother of God of the Sign,” for example, is venerated in the Syriac and Coptic Orthodox Churches. It depicts Mary with her hands raised in prayer, a symbol of her intercession, with Christ depicted within a medallion over her heart, signifying her role as Theotokos.

In the Ethiopian Orthodox Church, the veneration of Mary is especially profound. The Ethiopian tradition holds that Mary’s intercession is so powerful that it is believed she can intercede even for those who are in the most desperate situations. The faithful often recite the “Salutation to the Virgin Mary,” a prayer that praises her virtues and asks for her intercession. Ethiopian Christians believe that Mary’s intercession is indispensable for attaining God’s grace and mercy, and her feasts are celebrated with great solemnity and joy.

Conclusion: The Ever-Present Mother

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, let me conclude by saying that the spiritual motherhood and intercession of Mother Mary are central to the faith, practices, and teachings of the Oriental Orthodox Church. Mary, the Theotokos, is revered not only as the Mother of God but also as the spiritual mother of all Christians, who continually intercedes for her children with compassion and love. The Oriental Orthodox tradition, rich with liturgical prayers, hymns, and patristic writings, presents Mary as a model of holiness and a powerful intercessor, whose maternal care is deeply felt by the faithful.

Her role in the economy of salvation, her perpetual intercession, and her example of perfect obedience serve as a guiding light for all believers. As the Mother of the Church, Helper of the Helpless, Refuge of Sinners, Comforter of the Afflicted, Intercessor for Mankind, and Protector of Christians, Mary is honored and invoked in the Oriental Orthodox Church with a deep sense of reverence and love. Her intercession is sought with the confidence that, as she once said “yes” to God in bringing forth the Savior, she will continue to say “yes” in her prayers for the salvation of all who call upon her name.

Let us seek the intercessions and blessings of our blessed Theotokos, the Mother of God, our Mother through every situation and circumstance of our life. Amen.

Your brother in Christ
Jobin George

Sources and Patristic References:

  1. Saint Ephrem the Syrian: Hymns on the Nativity and Hymns on the Virgin. Saint Ephrem’s hymns are rich in Marian theology and reflect the early Syriac Orthodox veneration of Mary.
  2. Saint Severus of Antioch: Homilies and Letters. Saint Severus’ writings provide insights into the theological and pastoral understanding of Mary’s role in the Church, particularly her intercession.
  3. Saint Cyril of Alexandria: Homilies on the Theotokos and Letters. Cyril’s defense of the title Theotokos is central to understanding the theological basis for Mary’s role in the Church, as well as her intercessory power.
  4. The Coptic Orthodox Liturgy: The “Theotokion” from the Midnight Praises (Tasbeha) and other hymns and prayers dedicated to the Virgin Mary. These liturgical texts are central to the Coptic Orthodox expression of Marian devotion.
  5. Syriac Orthodox Liturgy: The “Madrosho” (hymns) of Mor Ephrem and other Marian hymns used in the Syriac Orthodox Church, reflecting the deep veneration of Mary and her intercessory role.
  6. Armenian Apostolic Liturgy: Prayers and hymns dedicated to the Virgin Mary, particularly those celebrating her feasts, which highlight her purity and obedience.
  7. Ethiopian Orthodox Tradition: The “Salutation to the Virgin Mary” and other prayers that are a vital part of the daily spiritual practice of Ethiopian Orthodox Christians. These prayers reflect the strong belief in Mary’s intercession.
  8. Oriental Orthodox Synaxarion: The collection of lives of saints and descriptions of feasts that provide context for the celebration of Marian feasts in the Oriental Orthodox Church.

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