Sunday of ‘Hoodosh Etho’ (Dedication of the Church)

The last Sunday we commemorated the liturgical New Year of Church- the ‘Koodosh Etho’ (‘Sanctification of the Church’) and this Sunday we would be commemorating ‘Hoodosh Etho’ or the dedication of the Church. The Holy Gospel reading for the Hoodosh Etho Divine Liturgy opens up with “Now it was the Feast of Dedication in Jerusalem,…

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Journey with the Holy Bible

When the new year arrives most of us do make resolutions-e.g. lose weight, spend less, learn some new skills etc. Last Sunday, we welcomed the liturgical new year of the church ‘Kudosh Etho’ – the theme of Kudosh Etho Sunday being sanctification. Let us try as we usher in the spiritual new year to read…

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