dormition of mary icon 459

Reading of Icons – Icon of Assumption of Mother Mary – August 15

On August 15, many Christians around the world celebrate the Feast of the Dormition of the blessed Theotokos, Mother of God, Mother Mary. The word dormition comes from the Latin roots of dormitio(n-) which means ‘falling asleep’ and from dormire which means ‘to sleep’. The feast commemorates the passing away of Mother Mary from her earthly life. But the Orthodox Christians believe not just in the Dormition of the blessed Mother, but in her Assumption. We believe that after the Mother of our God was laid to rest in the tomb, she was bodily taken up into heaven, where she now stands interceding for all who ask of her intercessions.

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Icon of Transfiguration

On the Transfiguration of Christ – A Homily by St. Ephraim the Syrian

The Orthodox Church celebrates the Feast of the Transfiguration of our Lord on the Mount on August 6. This feast is one of the great feasts of the Church and the Orthodox Church places lot of importance to this event. This event is described in all of the synoptic Gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke. Let us meditate on a sermon given by beloved St. Ephraim the Syrian on this event.

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7 holy Maccabeen Martyrs

Feast of St. Shmouni and her seven sons & their teacher Eleazar – August 1

In the name of God the Father, Christ Jesus His Son and the Holy Spirit, One True God. Amen Dear brothers are sisters in Christ Jesus As the Indian Orthodox Church along with all Christian faithful of the sister Oriental Orthodox Churches, Catholic Church and Eastern Orthodox Church prepare for the Feast of the Assumption…

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Reading the Icons – Icon of Pentecost

A study on the Icon of Pentecost which not only brings us into the reality of the event being depicted, but also teaches the theology behind the Descent of the Holy Spirit. The descent of the Holy Spirit though a tumultuous event brought about harmony among the Apostles. It is also a call to deification. The theme of the icon is a theme of waiting – for both the redeemed and those in darkness.

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Following Christ by Overcoming Rejections and Counting the Cost (Luke 9:51-62)

We are called to be His disciples with the aim of preaching the kingdom of God. But in the course of our ministry, we will face various rejections. Christ teaches us not to be disheartened when we are rejected, for He was rejected first. We are also called to count the cost of our discipleship, lest we tend to look back on our life and regret following Christ. We are called to be steadfast in our commitment.

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Swanson Great Catch of Fish 1

Finding our Purpose in the Resurrected Christ – To be Fishers of Men – John 21

Christ, after His resurrection teaches His disciples to become fishers of men. Let us learn on how we can become fishers of men rather than be fishermen. Let also understand the importance of having a fellowship with like minded individuals and where should we draw in our catch.

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Wedding at Cana – The first sign – St. John 2:1-11

Today, the Indian Orthodox Church and her children begin our spiritual journey towards the cross on Calvary, where our Master was crucified for our sakes and redeemed us and on the third day rose again defeating death. We undertake this journey through the Great Lent. As we begin this journey, on this Sunday we begin with a feast where Jesus had gathered along with His disciples and began His public ministry. He began His ministry by performing a miracle, which is only mentioned in the Gospel of St. John – a miracle of transforming the water into wine.

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Life of St. Barsaumo – 3rd February

we intercede to 26 saints and fathers of the Orthodox Church who lived until the 600 AD and 3 saints of the Indian Orthodox Church to keep us strong in the faith that they have handed down to us. We remember him as chief among mourners. He is a father who welcomed sufferings for the sake of His Master Christ and for upholding the true faith of the Church. He prayed by constantly by standing throughout day and night.

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