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Life of Parumala Thirumeni – St. Geevargese Mar Gregorios

Our beloved Parumala Thirumeni from child hood days led a very pious and simple life. Dedication and sacrifice were the key words of his life. His busy schedules never deterred him from hearing the grievances of the common man and was always in the forefront extending necessary help to them. Thirumeni’s life was one of righteousness and holiness. Many in his generation can testify their personal experience in being blessed with divine grace revived by them through this Holy father. Mor Gregorios was an able bishop who ministered to the spiritual and temporal needs of his flock. Through his prayers many were cured from mental illness and evil spirit and many received peace and spiritual prosperity. This blog is an attempt to know and learn from his life to live a life dedicated to our Master and Lord Jesus Christ.

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1st icon

Reading the Icon of Transfiguration – A Foretaste of Future Life

Transfiguration of our Lord Jesus is one of the Great Feasts of the Orthodox Church which commemorates the transfiguration or metamorphosis of Jesus on Mt Tabor, when He appeared in His divine glory. In this post, let us study the icon and its underlying meaning with the references to the Gospel accounts.

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Meaning of Icons | Glimpse of the Kingdom of God| Icon of Transfiguration

Transfiguration of Christ is mentioned in all the synoptic gospels. Let us here try to read about this mysterious event of Transfiguration through the Visual Gospel, that is through an Icon. And contemplate on the glimpse of Kingdom of God experienced by St Peter, St John and St James.

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Difference between Icons and Paintings

When we consider having Icons in the Church in place of paintings the very first question that may arise is, What is the difference between an Icon and Painting? In this video, we will try to understand some fundamental differences between Icons and Paintings Graphē is an initiative where we will explore Art as a…

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The First Icon | How did we get the face of Jesus

Ever wondered How we got the face of Jesus which we normally use for Icons or paintings? Here we are talking about a legendary event that has been mentioned in History as well as in the traditions of the Orthodox church. #Image_Of_Edessa #Icon #NotMadeByHand #Addai #Orthodoxy Graphē is an initiative where we will explore Art…

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Remembering St. Thomas – Patron Saint of India

Apostle Thomas, best known by the title ‘doubting Thomas’, was one of few Apostles who traveled outside the Roman Empire to spread the Gospel. But when we look at his life, it is the encounter with Christ that changed his outlook. Here are 5 lessons that we can learn from his life.

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Learning from the Life of the Apostles

In the name of God the Father, Christ Jesus His Son and the Holy Spirit, One True God. Amen. Dear brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus The Orthodox Churches, both Oriental and Eastern, along with Catholic Churches after celebrating the Feast of Pentecost, are going through a period of fasting known as the Apostles’ Fast…

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