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Pentecost – Holy Spirit residing within Man

With the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the disciples of Jesus Christ, the time of salvation had arrived and the Divine work of redemption has been completed, the fullness revealed, all gifts bestowed: it belongs to us now to “appropriate” these gifts, to be that which we have become in Christ: participants and citizens of His Kingdom. Through Christ’s descent and Crucifixion, He made the sinful human nature able to become divine and through His ascension, He made it possible for the human nature enter into the presence of God and through the descent of the Holy Spirit, God began to dwell within us.

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Ascension of Christ

Ascension of Jesus – A Call to Theosis (St. Luke 24:36-53)

We who seemed unworthy of the earth, are now raised to heaven, We who were unworthy of earthly dominion have been raised to the Kingdom on high, have ascended higher than heaven, have came to occupy the King’s throne, and the same nature from which the angels guarded Paradise, stopped not until it ascended to the throne of the Lord.”

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Understanding the Cost of Discipleship under Jesus Christ (St. Luke 9:51-62)

When we look at the life of Jesus, we find that He always willed to do the will of the Heavenly Father and He was willing to follow His Father’s will, even though He would be rejected, hated and ostracized by the society around Him….
Jesus’ response for His would-be followers is striking. It’s not as if He rebuffs His would-be disciple — exactly. It’s more a matter of making clear to him what he’s offering before he signs on the dotted line. Discipleship is costly. It is radically costly. It costs you everything.

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The Road to Emmaus

Finding Christ on our Journey to Emmaus (St. Luke 24:13-35)

In the name of God the Father, Jesus Christ the Son and the Holy Spirit, One True God. Amen. Dear brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus One of my favorite resurrection events that is mentioned in the Gospels is written by St. Luke 24:13-35. It is a situation where we all can place ourselves in…

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Reading Icons – Icon of Resurrection

Icon of Resurrection of Jesus – A study of the whole Bible through ancient pictures. A picture coming from many stories, yet pointing to one complete story. A declaration of the fulfillment of the Old Testament prophesies through His life, death and resurrection and promise of eternal life to all who follow Him.

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Georgian fresco

Knowing our Saints: St. George the Martyr

Through the many years of Christianity, there has been many saints who stood firm in their faith for Christ and proclaimed their undivided faith in the face of many trials and temptations of the world. One among those saints is St. George, the Triumphant, Trophy-bearer, Wonder-worker and Martyr.

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Sailing the Rough Seas with Christ, the Bread of Life (St. John 6:16-29)

“This is the work of God, that you believe in him whom he has sent” It is a wonderfully worded statement which says the message of the Holy Bible in a crux. We are not able to do anything that gives us eternal life. That is given by God. God is the only one who can accomplish such a great work. But how are we working with the work of God? Jesus says you must believe. The work of God, what God requires, is faith.

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Days of Brightness – Wearing the Whole Armour of God

St. Paul after asking us to stand strong in the might of our Lord, does not leave us without any weapons. Our weapons and armor is not of the physical nature, but they consist of truth, righteousness, peace, faith, salvation, the Holy Spirit and the Word of God. These belong to our armor and weaponry.

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Days of Brightness – Called to be Instruments of Righteousness of God

St. Paul also mentions that we are not to present any of our members — any part of our bodies — to be used by sin as a weapon. Instead we are to present our whole selves and all of our parts to be used by God as weapons of righteousness. In the great contest between good and evil, St. Paul calls us to get on the right side — God’s side. But how do we become the instruments of righteousness to God?

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