Mother Mary in the Oriental Orthodox Tradition

Mother Mary in the Oriental Orthodox Tradition: Her Spiritual Motherhood and Intercession

Discover the profound role of Mother Mary in the Oriental Orthodox tradition, where she is revered as the Theotokos, spiritual mother, and powerful intercessor for all believers. Explore her enduring influence through liturgical hymns, prayers, and patristic writings.

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Icon of the Virgin Mary with Aaron's rod, symbolizing her as the life-bearing vessel in Oriental Orthodox tradition

Mother Mary as Aaron’s Rod: Unveiling the Theological Symbolism and Patristic Teachings

Explore the profound symbolism of Mother Mary as Aaron’s Rod in our latest blog post! 🌸✨ Delve into the rich theological and spiritual insights of the Oriental Orthodox tradition, where the Virgin Mary is celebrated as the life-bearing vessel who brought forth the Savior of the world. Discover how the Church Fathers connected Mary with the miraculous blossoming of Aaron’s rod, symbolizing her pivotal role in the mystery of salvation.

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Icon of Mother Mary as Theotokos bearing Christ as the Son of God

Mother Mary as Theotokos: Oriental Orthodox Perspective and the 15-Day Dormition Fast

Explore the Oriental Orthodox perspective on Mother Mary as Theotokos, her veneration during the 15-day Dormition Fast, and her theological significance. Compare Roman Catholic and Orthodox views and discover patristic teachings and titles of the Blessed Mother.

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Gnosticism & the Church’s Response: The Apostles’ Creed – Part 3

Explore how the early Church confronted and overcame one of its most significant heresies: Gnosticism. This blog delves into the nature of Gnostic beliefs, which challenged core Christian teachings by promoting secret knowledge and denying the true humanity of Jesus. Learn about the Church’s response through the formulation of the Apostles’ Creed, a foundational statement of faith that affirms the goodness of creation and the reality of Christ’s incarnation, suffering, and resurrection.

Uncover the crucial roles played by early Church Fathers like Irenaeus, Tertullian, and Athanasius in defending orthodox Christian doctrine against Gnostic distortions. Their writings and the ecumenical councils’ efforts were pivotal in maintaining the integrity of the apostolic faith.

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Mother Mary and Ladder of Jacob

Bridging Heaven and Earth: Mother Mary and the Ladder of Jacob

Embark on a spiritual journey as we explore the intriguing connection between the Divine Ladder of Jacob and the revered Mother Mary in Orthodox Christianity. Discover the deep symbolism behind the ladder that bridges heaven and earth, and learn how the Virgin Mary embodies this symbolism through her role as the Theotokos, the bridge between the divine and the human. Delve into the profound teachings of the Church Fathers and their insights on these timeless concepts, offering us hope, guidance, and a deeper understanding of faith.

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Icon of Transfiguration

Feasts of Transfiguration of Jesus and Assumption of Mother Mary: A spiritual connection

Discover the profound spiritual connection between the Feast of the Transfiguration and the Feast of the Assumption in Orthodox Christianity. This insightful blog explores how these two feasts reveal the transformative power of Christ’s divine nature and the hope of eternal life through the Assumption of Mother Mary. Join us in reflecting on the unity of God’s plan of salvation and the call for personal transformation in our journey of faith.

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Virgin of the Burning Bush Michael Damaskinos

Mother Mary and the Burning Bush: A Profound Mystical Connection

Discover the profound spiritual connection between the Burning Bush encountered by Moses and Mother Mary in Orthodox Christianity. This insightful blog delves into the theological teachings of the Church Fathers, drawing parallels between these two figures and exploring the significance of Mother Mary as a vessel of divine intervention and revelation. Join us in unraveling the timeless wisdom of Orthodox teachings on the Virgin Mary’s role in bridging the gap between humanity and the uncreated God.

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icon of the theotokos

Mother Mary as the Second Eve – An Orthodox Perspective

Delve into the significance of Mother Mary as the Second Eve in Orthodox Christianity. Learn how her obedience and faith played a pivotal role in salvation history and why she is venerated as the Theotokos or God-bearer. Discover the connections between the Fall, the Incarnation, and the Cross, and explore Mary’s intercessory role in the Orthodox faith.

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Icon of Dormition of Theotokos

Importance of Assumption Fast (Soonoyo Fast)

From August 1st to August 15th, Orthodox Christians worldwide embark on a profound spiritual journey – a 15-day fast in honor of Mother Mary. 🙏🌹 This sacred tradition, observed by the Indian Orthodox Church and other Orthodox Churches, holds deep significance, serving as a time of reflection and preparation leading up to the Feast of the Assumption (Dormition). 🕊️✨ Join us as we explore the rich history and spiritual meaning behind this revered fast, drawing inspiration from the virtues of faith, humility, and devotion exemplified by the Blessed Virgin Mary. 🌿🌷 Let’s embrace this opportunity to deepen our connection with God and enrich our spiritual lives

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Swanson Great Catch of Fish 1

Finding our Purpose in the Resurrected Christ – To be Fishers of Men – John 21

Christ, after His resurrection teaches His disciples to become fishers of men. Let us learn on how we can become fishers of men rather than be fishermen. Let also understand the importance of having a fellowship with like minded individuals and where should we draw in our catch.

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007 Annunciation icon

Annunciation to Mother Mary | 4th Sunday of Advent (St. Luke 1:26-38)

On this Sunday of Annunciation to Mother Mary when we see a young woman accepting the will of God, let us contemplate on the greeting, “Hail, full of grace”. Also let us look at how a confluence of divine and human will led to the Incarnation of Christ.

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Mother Mary: The Veil of Solomon’s Temple

In the name of God the Father, Christ Jesus His Son and the Holy Spirit, One True God. Amen Dear brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus This post is part of an ongoing series reflecting on Mary and her role in Christian theology. As we walk along the 15 days lent towards the Feast of…

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