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The Season of the Nativity – Feast of Epiphany (Baptism of Jesus Christ) – St. Luke 3:7-22

Christ is illumined, let us shine forth with Him. Christ is baptized, let us descend with Him that we may also ascend with Him. Jesus is baptized; but we must attentively consider not only this but somehow other points… He is the all pure; and He is baptized by John; and the time is the beginning of His miracles. What are we to learn and to be taught by this? For more, please click on the below link

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Journey with the Holy Bible-Day 10

Verse for reflection: St Mathew 1:7-17 St Mathew divides the generations from Abraham to the coming of Christ into three phases; each of these includes 14 generations- we note spiritual messages from these 3 phases. from Abraham to David- a journey of glory of kingship/royalty. Kingship signifies greatness. In the book of Genesis, the Triune…

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