Jesus in Galilee

Season of Theophany – 1st Sunday after the Feast – St. Matthew 4:12-22

The Church begins her Season of Theophany/Epiphany from the 1st Sunday following the Feast and the Gospel portion read on this Sunday is from the Gospel account of St. Matthew 4:12-22. This Gospel portion recounts how Christ begins His public ministry in the town of Nazareth in Galilee. This portion picks up after Jesus spent forty days and nights in the wilderness after He was baptised by John in the Jordan where we find that for the third time in the Gospel of Matthew itself, Jesus embracing a new hometown.

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Reading of Icons – Icon of the Epiphany of Jesus Christ

Theophany therefore marks the revelation of the Trinitarian nature of God when Jesus was baptized. Because those who witnessed heard the Father’s voice from Heaven, saw the Spirit descending upon Jesus, and could see Jesus in the flesh, whom God confirmed to be His Son with His voice. Let us understand and learn about the Trinity from the Icon of Epiphany.

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The Season of the Nativity – Feast of Epiphany (Baptism of Jesus Christ) – St. Luke 3:7-22

Christ is illumined, let us shine forth with Him. Christ is baptized, let us descend with Him that we may also ascend with Him. Jesus is baptized; but we must attentively consider not only this but somehow other points… He is the all pure; and He is baptized by John; and the time is the beginning of His miracles. What are we to learn and to be taught by this? For more, please click on the below link

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Season of the Advent – Birth of St. John the Baptist (St. Luke 1: 57-80) – Part 2

As the church celebrates the Children’s Day, let us as parents and teachers, learn from the life of Zacharias and Elizabeth and trust in the Lord even unto our old age to believe in the promises of the Lord and bring forth prophets and prophetesses, priests and lay leaders who will dedicate their life to the service of the Lord.

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Season of the Advent – Birth of St. John the Baptist (St. Luke 1:57-80) – Part 1

In a world where people are looking towards influential personalities as their icons and role models, the Church shows us a role model whom we can easily emulate in our daily life: St John the Baptist, who is also titled as prophet and forerunner of the Messiah.

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Icon of Visitation

Season of the Advent – Visitation of the Virgin Mary (St. Luke 1:39-56)

Mary’s trip also demonstrates the call of community. Sometimes, our physical presence is the best gift we can give to another person. We must also remember that Elizabeth and Mary were carrying John and Jesus in their wombs, respectively and they were willing to meet with each other even before they would take birth into the world. To read more, please click on the below link.

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