Sunday of Departed Priests – St Matthew 24: 42-51

The Sunday after the Three Day Lent is commemorated as the Sunday for remembering our departed priests who have been our spiritual guides at every point of life. The Church remembers its fathers who had baptised her, taught her, nurtured her, and fed her with the Holy Body and Blood of her Master and Saviour Jesus Christ. Today’s parable on the loyal servant teaches us the qualities of a loyal servant waiting for his Master’s return and the punishment that awaits the unfaithful servant.

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Pentecost – Holy Spirit residing within Man

With the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the disciples of Jesus Christ, the time of salvation had arrived and the Divine work of redemption has been completed, the fullness revealed, all gifts bestowed: it belongs to us now to “appropriate” these gifts, to be that which we have become in Christ: participants and citizens of His Kingdom. Through Christ’s descent and Crucifixion, He made the sinful human nature able to become divine and through His ascension, He made it possible for the human nature enter into the presence of God and through the descent of the Holy Spirit, God began to dwell within us.

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Feast of the Nativity of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ

This is our God Who has come to reside among us! See His unsurpassed love for us. The great wall that divided man from God through sin and disobedience has been destroyed by the babe Jesus in the womb. As we go around giving gifts to our loved and fear ones and also seeking ways to give gifts to the less privileged children of the world and as we engage ourselves preparing wonderful food for all those who come knocking at our doors, let us ask this question of ourselves: What do we offer Christ this day for coming to reside among us?

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